Sunday, November 29, 2015

Technological advancements have expanded regular peoples knowledge and voices in media

Computers, cell phones, and other devices easy accessibility to media makes for positive and negative experiences

Easy accessibility to media outlets by using technology allows for users to read and watch news and become more knowledgable. It also helps them distinguish their opinions, which creates conversation and both sides to one story. Technology has created positive learning experiences for the users who use it the right way. It can create negative experiences if used the wrong way. Too much accessibility can create problems. The ability to become essentially a journalist in your own right creates a problem in my eyes. Opinions are great but the easy access that comes from technology used for media creates way too many voices.

Understanding how people use and access news and media outlets online in a beneficial way

We no longer rely simply on television and newspapers to provide for our media coverage. Mobile devices have 24/7 access to news media. In order to keep up with the rest of the world a non-expert needs to know how people are viewing the news and being caught up literally every minute of every day. Phones and laptops are portable and are used everywhere around our college campuses like lifeline's. If you've ever not had your mobile device for days on end you'd understand that you feel completely out of the loop of the outside world. People utilize their ability to access media in a beneficial way by staying connected with friends, family and whomever else. Users share and duplicate news keeping everyone aware of what is going on outside their own worlds all the time.

Why technology and its easy access to news media outlets creates more good than bad

Although the use of technology and circulation of online media can be used in a negative way, the opportunities that the access creates outweighs any negative parts that may appear. Constant access creates positive opportunities for both the news media and the users. Both sides benefit because now news can be spread faster than ever. Technology has kept us all connected and has changed the way we think of news and how we attain it. The constant access keeps us up to date and knowledgable. It allows us to speak our minds and creates more conversation than ever. Media access has become a habit of our days and we have become our own journalists, our own source for news.

Video Interview here

1. How did the evolution of technology make your job and overall objectives more attainable and how did that impact how us as users of the internet read, watch and then spread media?
2. Do you think that the promotion and marketing of media outlets and using the internet creates negative vibes of abusing technology to where the easy access becomes excess and the purposeful uses of it becomes overshadowed?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Viewers have a difficult time differentiating news from biased opinion sources, which negatively affects the trust they have for the press

Data Graphic 1

Since 1997 news sources have lost the trust of their viewers by nearly 10 percent. This shows people believe news organizations to be more biased now than ever.

Data Graphic 2

News is not supposed to be biased, yet people associated "news organizations" with Fox News and CNN that are very opinionated and biased. They talk about their views and how news relates to their world, instead of just reading what the news is that day.