Sunday, December 6, 2015

Technological advancements in mobile devices has created and controlled our societies voice and knowledge in news media

Computers, cell phones, and other devices easy accessibility to media makes for positive and negative experiences

Easy accessibility to media outlets by using technology allows for users to read and watch news and become more knowledgable. It also helps them distinguish their opinions, which creates conversation and both sides to one story. Technology has created positive learning experiences for the users who use it the right way. It can create negative experiences if used the wrong way. Too much accessibility can create problems. The ability to become essentially a journalist in your own right creates a problem in my eyes. Opinions are great but the easy access that comes from technology used for media creates way too many voices.  More than three quarters of adults own a laptop or desktop computer. 44% of adults own a smartphone and tablet devices owned by people of 18 years of age or older has increased by 50% since 2011 to 18%. A survey of more than 3,000 U.S. adults done by Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism found that Americans are not gravitating towards just one mobile device. They tend to have two or three of the devices available. It also found that even though social media has taken over it is still not the biggest factor in determining where one goes for their news. Reputation over brands is the biggest factor. The study shows how a majority of people have mobile devices, making their access to news media that much easier. Overall the data showed to be headed toward a more beneficial life for news media. The data showed that the increase in mobile device users increased the overall media consumption. Mobile devices have taken over the way we now access media because people like doing everything in the fastest way possible. It is important to understand that without the technological advancements in mobile devices we would not be at the certain comprehension level than we are now today.  

Understanding how people use and access news and media outlets online in a beneficial way

We no longer rely simply on television and newspapers to provide for our media coverage. Mobile devices have 24/7 access to news media. In order to keep up with the rest of the world a non-expert needs to know how people are viewing the news and being caught up literally every minute of every day. Phones and laptops are portable and are used everywhere around our college campuses like lifeline's. If you've ever not had your mobile device for days on end you'd understand that you feel completely out of the loop of the outside world. People utilize their ability to access media in a beneficial way by staying connected with friends, family and whomever else. Users share and duplicate news keeping everyone aware of what is going on outside their own worlds all the time. The Internet and social media have played a beneficial role in the lives of young people like us college students. We use it to stay connected with others, which gives us a sense of belonging and high self-esteem. This easy access is used in beneficial ways to encourage educational purposes, and can also facilitate supportive relationships. The combination of social networking and news media
allow for a beneficial way to provide a voice for anyone who cares about really anything. With using their voice people quickly gain trust if used in the right way in the right amount. Other beneficial ways of using the easy access of news media outlets is that students like us can become content creators, distributors and managers just because they purchased a mobile device. The instant access has allowed for normal people to become journalists. Information is spreading faster than ever and that is because of the beneficial ways people are using the technology, and all the while they don't even realize how important they are to the community of the internet. Using news media to your advantage helps others too. By having a voice and using it correctly other people can benefit off of your information. The accessibility has created beneficial ways to use the internet and media, it's just up to use to use it in that way.

Why technology and its easy access to news media outlets creates more good than bad

Although the use of technology and circulation of online media can be used in a negative way, the opportunities that the access creates outweighs any negative parts that may appear. Constant access creates positive opportunities for both the news media and the users. Both sides benefit because now news can be spread faster than ever. Technology has kept us all connected and has changed the way we think of news and how we attain it. The constant access keeps us up to date and knowledgable.
It allows us to speak our minds and creates more conversation than ever. Media access has become a habit of our days and we have become our own journalists, our own source for news. The easy access does create problems especially among our youth. Kids see things at a younger age now. Sex advertisements and alcohol commercials are just a few examples of how media's instant access allows for negative experiences. Researchers say that there's not a lot you can do to protect them from seeing negative things in the media so that having talks early on is key for a good experience. However, easy access to media creates more good opportunities than ever. It's not necessarily what opportunities present themselves, it's more to do with how you use opportunities to your advantage. In an Adobe 2013 Mobile Consumer survey it was reported that at least 71% of people use mobile devices to access social media. It is how we all stay connected. It's what you do when you wake up and when you go to bed. You check your mobile device to stay tuned into the world around you. Instant media access via mobile devices has benefited our American society to allow more people to become engaged and therefore more knowledgable as a whole. Media and easy access has made for easier times technologically speaking because it has allowed for 24/7 updates on everything relevant.

How we adapt and conform to our society that has become more technologically based

Online access for news media continues to increase. With phones on your person 24/7 it makes sense that there's been recent spikes in how people access their news everyday. Newspapers and TV's have continued to decline for access to news. This article shows the data chart that from about 2006 to 2012 the access through mobile devices like tablets and phones for news has increased significantly, which also shows a positive correlation to more people accessing news overall. Just 23% of people interviewed said they read the newspaper, which is down 3% from 2010. People are evolving with the way technology is. Since technology is making life just that much simpler, people aren't willing to exhaust themselves with the walk down to the end of the driveway for the morning paper when they have their phone, laptop, or tablet right in front of them. The advancements allows for endless search for news. Newspapers end and they only put what they think is the most important information. The internet doesn't end, and people like to be in control. The internet allows you to be in control of what you want to read or watch, the newspaper or TV doesn't necessarily allow that all of the time. It is important to understand the easy access of our mobile devices to the news media has connected our society and made us all the more knowledgable. The advertisement in news media contributes to the lust for more and more media access. We've become hypnotized by the powers of what mobile device are now allowing us to do. If you were to ask yourself where you'd be or what you'd be doing with your time without the new advancements in technology, It'd be hard question to answer, especially someone from our generation. For better or worse it has engulfed our lives and control's our relationships and allows us to make quicker and faster decisions and also quicker and faster ways of discovering new stories or information relevant to your life. We have set up new ways of accessing and have had to conform with the new things all of the time because users are always looking for new ways to express themselves to others. Our society is now half virtual and half real. We talk and communicate online through media and different news that we see just as much as we talk in person. A lot of the time we carry on conversations in person about what we see online. We have adapted and conformed to what are society wants us to do with our instant access technology. It has allowed us to adapt to things easier, and to do the best with the control we have over our technologically filled society. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday Work Session

Online access for news media continues to increase. With phones on your person 24/7 it makes sense that there's been recent spikes in how people access their news everyday. Newspapers and TV's have continued to decline for access to news. This article shows the data chart that from about 2006 to 2012 the access through mobile devices like tablets and phones for news has increased significantly, which also shows a positive correlation to more people accessing news overall. Just 23% of people interviewed said they read the newspaper, which is down 3% from 2010. People are evolving with the way technology is. Since technology is making life just that much simpler, people aren't willing to exhaust themselves with the walk down to the end of the driveway for the morning paper when they have their phone, laptop, or tablet right in front of them. The advancements allows for endless search for news. Newspapers end and they only put what they think is the most important information. The internet doesn't end, and people like to be in control. The internet allows you to be in control of what you want to read or watch, the newspaper or TV doesn't necessarily allow that all of the time. It is important to understand the easy access of our mobile devices to the news media has connected our society and made us all the more knowledgable.